

STM manufactures technical components for furniture; the company operates in the kitchen industry with its well-known hinges brand TM and with the extractable systems for worktops and tables; moreover STM operates also in the office furniture segment manufacturing components for pedestals and filing systems. 

STM operative and logistic facilities are located in Pesaro (3000 Sqm dedicated to kitchen components production and foreign sales office) and Crevalcore (Bologna) (2000 Sqm dedicated R&D, office components and domestic sales office). 

Thanks to an experienced technical staff and its long time presence in this industry, STM can provide tailored solutions for the internal structure of pedestals and filing cabinets. The customer provides us with the size of the furniture and our staff will design the whole structure adapting the components to the customer’s requirements. 

Finding innovative ideas allows STM to transfer quality and creativity that countersign made in Italy all over the world.
