
Manufacturing company: MICRODEVICE
Frigobar Online is a Microdevice patent, consisting of a series of shelves with “smart” compartments capable to signal, display and account to the reception all the movements of drinks and snacks, thus creating a consumption history file. The Mini-fridge-bar On-line technology is applicable to all standard 50-60 L models and compatible with all H-Supervisor systems already installed.
How it works
An intuitive system of tables and icons virtually simulate the arrangement of drinks and snacks inside the “smart” shelves.Through these tables, it is possible to schedule the position of the products, assign a price, record a collection and a total history file to be able to manage statistics or supplies divided by product, room number etc. When the customer picks up a drink, automatically the sensor communicates the move and records it, differentiating a simple movement from an actual collection, via a time algorithm. Scrolling the graphs allows the supervisor to account for the consumption of each single room, to prepare the inventory list, and to view a consumption history file. Thanks to the Mini-fridge-bar On-line patent, you will have consequent savings on costs, warehouse management and product availability check time by the staff.
Frigobar Online allows:
• Managing mini-fridge-bar on-line and controlling mini-bar with automatic charge;
• Tracking consumption and accounting, in real time and as a history file;
• Reporting the mini-fridge-bar opening beyond the expected time and controlling the products on the whole;
• Long-lasting investment because it is an integral part of an energy saving system;
• Interfacing with the most popular management software (PMS): Fidelio, Ericsoft, etc.;
• Detecting opening and collection movements of products with the indication of the person, date and time;
• Ability to divide the shelves by cost and to report out-of-stock;
• List of products to be collected from the warehouse and verification of the loading/unloading operations carried out by the staff